Monday, October 22, 2007

Didja Know?

Happy Monday everyone! Hope your weekend was great!

First off, this weekend's winner is Jen D! Email me at to claim your prize!

Today I wanted to start a new feature called "Didja Know".. sharing quick tips that make PS a little bit easier. They may be elementary for some, but they're essential to using PS to it's fullest.

First off, a shortcut:

CTRL+Z will undo your last step.  Press it again to undo the Undo (that make sense?) So pressing CTRL+Z repeatedly will let you go back and forth between the last step you made so you can quickly see before/after without clicking in your History Palette.

CTRL+ALT+Z Undo, but you can keep going back as far as you want. Similar to clicking backwards on the History pallete, but you don't have to click, just keep pressing until you get to where you want!

And another Didja Know: Did you know you can create Snapshots in your History Palette that allow you to "save" the state of your photos (with layers intact!) and go back to it at any time! THis allows you to save a state and do detailed tweaks. If you don't like it, you can always go back to your snapshot! Here's a few visuals:



You can make as many snapshots as you want, so can save a picture at a bunch of different states, then click through the snapshots to figure out which you like best.

Be SURE to save any changes you made though, saving your image (even as a PSD) does NOT save your snapshots.

Oh, and because I'm feeling giving today.. You can use the code: mondayrules TODAY ONLY to get $5 off anything in the store. Have fun :)

Oh, and don't forget to take the new poll :)

1 comment:

Jeannette Chirinos Gold said...

Hi Kilye, thank you for the tips, they will be always appreciate...
Will you let us know in a tutorial how to create a template for a 5x7 card ie. Like a leaving the space where the pictures goes and stuff like that.... I can't get until that step! if you have in mind sometime do it let us know.....
Thank you so much for your time....
your tut's are amazing