Tuesday, May 29, 2007

What a fun Day!

If you didn't catch it, I was interviewed by Mai from the Pay it Forward Blog today. Although I 'd hardly put myself "on par" with the other people that have been interviewed, it was fun to pretend to be famous for a day. I'm hoping everyone enjoys the actions and remembers to Pay it Forward in your own way! If you missed the download, they're still there.. Have fun!

I'm still recovering from the camping trip, trying to get life in line again.. But I thought I'd share the link to this program:


Jeremi introduced me to the program a few months ago, and I'm hooked. It's seriously the best IM program if you're a photographer or just like to share photos. Now I just have to get all my MSN and Yahoo chat buddies to switch over!

Hey, if you download it and need a friend to add, add me! My username is (duh) phaunt.

1 comment:

Brandy said...

Awww nuts. Windows only????