I know it's a bit late in the day, but here is Freebie Friday #2!!
Today is a double good Friday, you get a tutorial AND a super Freebie download!
First up, the tutorial! Last time I showed you how to texture a photo. Now I'm taking that a step further and will be showing you how to make your own grunge brushes and use them on your photos! It's a bit longer of a tutorial (I guess I tend to ramble, huh), but there's a bunch of good info in there!
Click here to go to Full Screen.
After watching the tutorial, you can go HERE to download an action that speeds up the grunging process (using the same steps I show in the tutorial), as well as a set of grunge brushes I use all the time on my own photos. It's a zipped file (includes the action and the brush set), so you'll have to unzip it to install.
Remember, the freebie will only be up this week, so snag it while you can.
Also, remember to leave me a comment, hello, suggestion, whatever in the comments and you may win your choice of action sets (Winner will be posted on Monday, so check back then!).
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!