To tide you over, here's a quick tutorial on making rounded edges on a photo :)
Posted this on another board, so thought I'd share here as well.. This is to make rounded edges on a photo.
But if you want to make rounded rectangle for individual file (size would change) you can do it quickly this way.. pick the rounded rectangle tool..
1. Pick the Path selection tool (this way you're making a selection, not an actual shape
2. Change the radius (how rounded/large your edges will be).. I use anywhere from 20-40, depending on what I want
3. Select on your photo. If you want it to be the same distance from the edge on all sides you can put guides on (Under View, and new Guide), or just freehand it if you're in a hurry.
When you get your rectangle made, right click on it and select Make selection (lfor a softer edge you can have the feather on 1 or 2 and keep anti-aliasing on, or put it at 0 and no anti aliasing for a defined edge). It will select for you.
From here, just invert the selection and cut everything off ( Press Shift+Ctrl+I and then Ctrl+x).. so it will look like this:
If you wanted to make a border you could do that easily (like 5x7 or 8x10 size)
Here's a quick white rounded frame as an example.. It's up for 7 days if anyone wants it.
Hey Kylie - have you tried Google video?? I found a list of options here:
but no idea about most of them....hope you figure it out - I'm really looking forward to it!
I use but I don't know about sizing.
I cannot find your email anywhere, but I ordered your action set 2 nights ago and haven't heard anything from you. My paypal says it went through. Please email me.
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