the phaunt actions Super-Duper-Uber-Awesome-OMG-I-have-to-Win-CONTEST!
As a Mom, I know that for many of us, the reason we started photography was because we loved capturing those special moments with our kids. Whether it was the moments of pure joy, or the childhood disasters of losing your ice cream on the sidewalk. These everyday moments are the things that we, as photographers, seek to capture for our clients, and our own families.

So, for this contest, I want to see YOUR moments.. No client photos.. I want to see YOUR kids/family, raw and real. The emotion and chaos that is family life/kids/childhood. I'm leaving the theme broad so that you put your own spin on it.
The photo can be b/w, color, textured, vintage, whatever you want, but the main focus should be the moment!
No storyboards for this one, just one photo please!
A few stipulations:
1. The contest is open to everyone.. whether you've bought phaunt actions or not.. So tell your friends!
2. While you don't have to buy/have bought the actions to win, you can get a discount on the actions simply by entering the contest! Instead of $35 you can snag the FULL set for only $30!! If you send me an entry for the contest, and would like to purchase the new actions, let me know in the email and I'll send you a link to buy.
3. One entry per person please.. uh duh :p

The specifics:
The contest will be open from today (6/30) until 7/7 at midnight. At that time the contest will be closed and the top 5 will be chosen. On 7/8, the top 5 will be posted and voting will begin, so the winners will be chosen by YOU :)
Oh yeah........ The PRIZE!!!
How about a gift certificate? To BH Photo Video for $50??
Not Enough?? How about I throw in a membership to one of the stinkin coolest photography forums around.... Beyond Just Images?
Still not enough? Man, you drive a hard bargain...
Okay, what if I ALSO throw in a $15 Itunes credit so you can have some rockin music to listen to while perusing your new forum and deciding what to buy at BH photo?
*Phew* Now you all better enter, or I'll be cranky!!

So.. to RECAP..
Send me your best (websized) photo of YOUR KIDS capturing the chaos/emotion/joy that is family life/childhood. Entries must be sent between 6/30 and 7/7 to qualify. Send your entry to with the subject line CONTEST
In your email include:
Where you found phaunt actions:
That's it.. I reserve the right to change the rules a bit to make it easier to enter, or add any stipulations that I may have forgotten (I tend to do that).. So get snapping and send me those photos!!