It's Freebie Time again! Don't you just love Friday?
As promised, I'm starting the first in a series of tutorials about the blending modes. I really think this is an essential tool to master, as it has so many different applications. Today I'm going to focus on getting a basic overview of what blending modes are, and then how the dissolve blending mode works.
FINALLY! We have a video! I had to re-record it with entirely different software (which works much better anyway)but I think I may have it figured out (for now LoL) PLEASE let me know if you have any problems or suggestions
Then after you watch the tutorial, you can download the actions I demonstrate here. Remember, they're only available for this week, so grab them now!
Also, I've got ANOTHER freebie for you this week!!
My friend and fellow photographer Bonnie has been hard at work making some awesome storyboard/collage/mat templates that run as actions in Photoshop. If you're lazy like me and hate opening templates and all that, these are PERFECT.
I love that you can really get a million different looks from each template, and the file sizes aren't HUGE!
Here's her blog, where she's got some awesome Freebies you can download and try yourself!
Once Remembered Action Templates
Here's a storyboard I made really quick using one of the templates, just so you can see an example:
Also, remember to leave me a comment, hello, suggestion, whatever in the comments and you may win your choice of action sets (Winner will be posted on Monday, so check back then!)
for some reason, i can't this video to play. but i'm really excited to see it. thank you!!
WOOHOO I'm actually first!!
Thank you so much for doing these!
Thanks for the freebies!
Awesome template girl!
I love how the first photo is larger than the rest, makes it not just "another" storyboard.
Thanks Phaunt and Bonnie! You gals ROCK!!!
Looks like a great tutorial, but when I played it seems like the video went faster than the audio part. When you were still talking about the Blends with the red and white , the photo was playing. I just need to go back and remember what you did.
Thank you for this!!! Lovin fridays :)
Thanks for sharing! You're Awesome!
Love your site!
Can't wait to see the video when posted! Thanks so much for doing the tutorial. I would be very interested in understanding what textures work best. I have been photographing stone, wood, etc.
Lisa V.
Thanks for doing the video.I'm learning how to Photoshop and it helps so much. Laura
I can't see the video, but that you so much for the freebies! I totally love this site!
Way cool! Can't wait to see the video.
Kylie I am so enjoying these tutorials. They have helped me tremendously. And I love the Glam It actions that you gave away a few weeks ago. They are awesome. I recommend everyone to buy those. They are now my faves!
Thank you soooo much for these actions! There isn't much out there for Elements so this ROCKS! Shelley Haganman
Thanks for the great actions! There isn't much out there for PSE so you ROCK!! Shelley
Wow...can't see the tutorial but I've loved your other ones! I can't wait for this one to get ironed out! Thanks so much for doing this!
I can't see the tutorial but I've loved the ones you've done in the past. I can't wait to see this one! Thanks so much for doing this!
I just wanted to say hello! I found you off of ILP. My husband was a marine, he got out in July of '05. Its a tough life, god bless you and your family.
First let me say Im sorry if you have like a gazillion comments from me. I just realized after I tried posting them it said at the top that it would post after you reviewed it. lol dummy me! :) And as I read further down I just realized our daughters names are practically the same! I gave birth to our little Kathryn Grace on May 20th of this year. :) Annnd to top it off my other daughter's name is Kylie! lol how cool is that.
thank you so much!
Thank you for all of the freebies and for the tutorials. For a JSO, your site and help are invaluable!
Can't wait for the video! I've been excited about this all week. I'm hoping by the end of learning all the different blends, I can think up a "quick guide" to help me remember all the different possibilities. Thanks for taking the time to educate!
Thank you so much for the freebies! If you don't mind me asking, what font did you use on your storyboard - I love it!
HI! I just found your blog info on but when I was reviewing your AWESOME info I noticed the picture of your husband and baby- My husband is in the Marine Corps as well-- joined in 1991. Where are you stationed and is he home stateside? Take care and God Bless! Kim -- wife of a marine (17yrs)
How neat!
Thanks so much. I appricate how you are taking your time to share your talent. I just wish I had more time to study the tutorials. I come back to them often to trya nd get more out of them each time!
Thanks a million.
Thank you so much for the freebies! They look like they will be really useful!
Yay, I can't wait to watch the video and learn some new tricks. :) Thanks to both of you!
hi! new to your blog...i am surfing, reading, neglecting my wedding processing that i am supposed to be doing on my first wedding :) i got on your blog by referral from jeremi on the limelight...i am teetering on the edge of going all the way with this photog passion of mine (not just mommy part-time-ish) but going all the way and getting PS CS3 and maybe a new mac pro labtop....i have lighting, camera, one Lglass, other lenses too, props galore... have been working with a microsoft program and know I need PS but frankly I am scared to death of it...learning it...taking so long..etc..i downloaded a trial (only lightroom loaded right I think) and it's um...overwhelming! N-E-WAYS...the reason I am writing is to let you know your "phaunt" explanation totally made me smile just now. my second little boy, Benjamin, is 13 months and after leaving his little blue bear at grandma's around 6 months I ran out to hallmark to get another and they were discontinued so got him the baby winks baby blue elephant to try and hold him over till we got the bear back. well...once he met that elephant (that i named Oli as in "Oliphaunt" idea where that came from..except that i was a bilingual teacher and elephant is elefante in spanish and sounds oliphaunt???) i don't know...well know he is IN LOVE with his elephant...we just ordered FOUR more off of ebay (they were out of the stores already!!!?!?) so as to switch them out b/c #1 was getting very well loved...and Heaven forbid if we left one somewhere!!! So LONG story short...i had a twinge in my heart when i saw your site b/c you know how it is when your kids absolutely adore start to adore it too just b/c they do and when you see one it just makes your heart smile :) also, my sister's (we're very close) marine/captain/i'm not sure what rank he is now??:) hubby returns from his second tour of duty in Irag this coming TUES after 8 his beeautiful wife and 18 mth old twins. You girls are so STRONG and go through so much so your men can be fighting for what is good and just...for us and so many more...thank you thank you thank you and here's to ele-phaunts :) have a great weekend!
Rosie Siebenthal, IL
Thanks so much for sharing this. You are awesome!
There are a million reasons to love Fridays, but I'm putting you and your blog at the top of my list! Your generosity is amazing and inspiring.
thanks for sharing! : )
I just stumbled onto your blog and what a wonderful find!! Thanks so much for the freebies and I'm going to check out all of your stuff.
Thanks for the freebies, I'm looking forward to the tutorial!
Thanks for the freebies, looking forward to the tutorial.
Thank you so much for the wonderful actions and tut's. You are so wonderful for taking time out to do this.
I'll be looking forward to seeing the video later on. SOrry your having problems with it.
If it helps though, the previous video clips were great. :0)
Kimberley {From ILP}
Thanks so much for sharing. I've really enjoyed your tutorials so far. Your daughters are pretty good too :) Can't wait to play with these actions!
Looking so forward to seeing that video.
You're teaching me sooooo much.
Love the videos, the blog and ALL of the freebies.
Thanks for the freebies Kylie & Bonnie, awesome action!!
Learned a couple of new things- thanks so much for taking the time to do this tutorial (a couple of times). Who'd a thought you could make such a cute little border so easy?! And I had no idea that gaussian blur did that to edges :) I am looking forward to the next one!
Thanks so much Kylie! I love your tut's and have been watching them (and looking forward to them) every week now! :) I'd love to have a word by word (or key tip by key tip) written version too, something to refer back to. Just a (hopeful) thought! :) Thanks a bunch and thanks Bonnie for the storyboard too!
Yay, it worked. Thanks for taking the time to teach! :)
Thank you sooo much! I'm looking forward to playing with these goodies.
Awesome as always.
Thank you for all you do.
I always though Kylie Minogue was the talented Kylie... not anymore ..Because I can't get this tutorial out of my head.. la la la
Hi Kylie, just wanted to tell you I come every week to check out your tutorials. They're really helping me with my PS skills. I also wondered if you could please, please, puhlease do a tutorial showing how to use your wonderful actions to make someone's clothing/surroundings saturated with color and skin NOT saturated. Does this make sense? I have asked around and everyone says "inverse mask" but I don't know how!? Meanwhile, I'm wishing I could apply this technique to alot of my daughter's pictures! Thanks!
Thanks Kylie. This was great and very helpful!!
This is my first time using your info and thank you. I did have some trouble opening the template action from bonnie...will it work in Elements 5.0?
i didn't read through all of the comments (49!) to see if anyone else thought this, but.....the video is great! I would LOVE if we could see if full screen. It would be great to see the photoshop words and such a little bigger. (I couldn't figure out how if you can.)
Thanks! Your blog is awesome!
Thanks Kylie and Bonnie, for the freebies. Great tutorials. I'm behind on them because I've been so busy, but I'm hoping to catch up soon.
Thanks this is awesome, so much clear in my mind now!
You rock!
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