Winner first for Friday's comments: ZOI! (Manuella) How fun to see an old friend! I had no idea that you had two cuties now! Email me at to let me know which action set you want. And let me see some pics of your cuties while you're at it! ;)
I see the Tagged thing has been going around blog world again... I got tagged a few times by various people, so I figure I better comply. Is it like those chain letters, I'll be walking down the street and be hit by a bus if I don't pass it on? :p
Okay.. so 8 random facts about me that you may not know...
1. My last name is NOT Phaunt. I actually have had a few people ask me, and I didn't even really realize that it may have been confusing. My last name is BANKS (hence the name Kylie BANKS photography). The phaunt thing came about because I have been an elephant lover for as long as I can remember, and have collected elephant statues/etc. Back when I was pregnant with Lilly I got on the "mommy boards" and needed a username. I wanted to use something having to do with elephants, but didn't think that "elephantgirl" sounded so pleasant, so I made it "sillyphaunt".. after some revisions it went down to just "phaunt". Now it's my username on most everything I sign up on. So, that's where phaunt actions gets its name.
2. I shop at a specific grocery store not because they have the best prices or selection, but because if you go shopping after 7pm they play great 90s music (Think Wilson Phillips). I love to cruise for groceries while singing " I know that there is pain, but cha, hold on for one more day... and ya, Break free from the painnnnnn..."
3. I have one tatoo, on the top of my right foot:
4. I almost died when I was 5 years old, run over by a truck. I have vague memories of right after it happened, standing up and trying to walk, seeing my aunt come out of her house and start running towards me, then passing out. I came to again in the hospital hallway, then I remember waking up when they were re-inflating my lung. That's about all. I also remember getting a bunch of cool presents and thinking that it was fun to be in the hospital!
5. My husband is a United States Marine. He joined right out of highschool (graduated in 1999). He was deployed to Iraq Jan-October 2005. Besides being a wonderful husband and father, he is also my personal hero. I couldn't explain how proud I am to be a Marine wife and support him as he serves our country.
This picture is from the day he was deployed, Jan 4th, 2005. Horrible quality (and I didn't really know how to work the camera at that point either), but it still holds a special place in my heart. That's Lilly he's holding (only 1 1/2 years old then!)
6. I secretly want to be a dancer, any type of dancer really, I love watching dancing, especially ballet, but I know I could never do it. My body is totally the wrong shape, and my coordination isn't so great either.
7. I hate talking on cell phones. If I can avoid it, I will. I only use mine to make calls when I'm out of the house and have to get ahold of someone. If I'm anywhere I can use a normal phone I do. I also lose my cell phone at least once a month, most of the time it stays lost for a week or so, or I have to get a new one (thank God for the equipment replacement policy on our cell phone bill).
8. I love the Backstreet Boys. A hold over from my highschool days I guess. I love their music, still listen to it regularly. I have all their CDs, and can't wait till they come out with something new.
So there you have it.. I fulfilled my end of the tagging. I'm going to be a rebel and not tag 8 more people, because I think most everyone has been tagged already, and I'm really too lazy to go find 8 that haven't.
Tomorrow (if I have some time), I'm hoping to make an announcement regarding elements actions, and answer some questions that keep popping up. So check back. Hope your week is starting out good! :)