Monday, November 5, 2007

Cold Monday

I'm late on this, I know, sorry about that! I have been so stinking busy these last few weeks. We are going to the inlaws for Thanksgiving and I'm hoping to be done with portrait clients before then, so after Thanksgiving things will calm down a bit and I can do a few things I've been putting off on the blog. I've got some great things in the works though, I can't wait to get it all done and going.

Anyway, on a personal note, Sam and I went to the 232nd Marine Corps Ball on Saturday. The Marine Corps birthday is actually on November 10th, but they have a Veteran's Day parade they had scheduling conflicts with so we got to go a week early. I always look forward to the ball because it's the one time a year I get to get a purty dress and get all dolled up. I'm pretty much the anti-thesis of anything "girly", but I secretly do enjoy doing it every once in awhile.

This year I actually went and had my hair "did" by my hair dresser, I haven't had it done since my wedding, can you believe it? I'm a very low maintenance person, my #1 requirement for a haircut is that it is easy to fix and will take me a maximum of 3 minutes to do.

Anyway, I wanted to share a few pics from Saturday..

Me with my done Did hair:


Me and my Marine :)


Sam was on sword detail, and I wanted to get some pics of it, but the light in the room was horrible. I didn't bring a flash, and already felt like a bit of a dork with my monster camera and huge lens, so I just made do with what I had. Cranked the ISO up to 1600 and kept it at 1/30th, and just prayed I got a few shots!





So, that's where I was this weekend. Sorry to those who I didn't return emails, I'm trying to take the weekend off from working. I have a bad habit of working ALL THE TIME, and it's been driving my family crazy, so I have self-imposed work hours now that I'm trying to stick to.. we'll see how that goes. LoL

Oh yeah, winner of the Actions?

I'm picking at random today.. and since my favorite number is 4, the 4th commenter wins it.. and that's Carla.. Email me at to claim your prize :)

Tomorrow I'll be doing a post with a few quick tips and maybe a coupon or two, so be sure to check tomorrow.. Hope your week is starting out great! :) 


Kurtis and Melissa said...

I didnt know you were a Marine Corps wife! We are going to our ball this week! Semper Fi my fellow spouse!

Beth said...

thanks for sharing the pics of you!! your hair looks great! i know what you mean about being low maintenance! it's a necessity with little ones and a business to run, isn't it??? it's always fun to have a reason to get ready though!

Anonymous said...

I just love a man in uniform...and to me, that one is the best!

Beautiful photos. Give that Marine a big hug for me, and thanks to both of you for serving our country.


Anonymous said...

Kylie - you are too pretty to be as smart as you are NOT FAIR!!!!! LOL Great shots, seems like a pretty neat memory to have.

Kristen | LanierStar said...

you look awesome. very audrey hepburn! :) glad you had fun.

Jeannette Chirinos Gold said...

WOW Kylie, you look great in the dress and the hair really came out wonderful....
I'm sure Your husband was showing off his beautiful wife at the party!!!
Well done..... once in a while is required.... I should do the same, never do anything, don't even wear any make up. i'm worst thatn a mess! hehehe...

Unknown said...

You are your man look pretty HAWT together
... with your hair did up fine,
... your beautiful dress,
... and your man in uniform.
I too know what low maintenance is after having 4 children (incl a set of twins) and now a frozen shoulder.
XMAS is the 1 time of year that we dress up too and I love it.

Anonymous said...

Kylie you look awesome!!! Love the shot of you and sam together.